Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sleeping Angel!<3

I love looking at Sidney when she sleeps! She just looks so peaceful...such a little angel.


Jen said...

oh ma'gosh, I want to eat her up! She is so stinkin' cute! I know that I'm the aunt and all, but dang, she's sooooo adorable!

Tara said...

Hi, I'm Staci and Steph's friend Tara. I saw that you commented about Staci's wrap. Do you live near Stephanie by chance? If you do, I can show you how to make them sometime. (you can use it as soon as you walk out of the fabric store, or you can sew it just a bit and it takes no time or skill at all) It might be easier to show you than to explain over email, and I am all for encouraging these wraps, I wish I had known about them for my other two kids. :) Congratulations on your new baby, she is a little doll!

Heidi said...

She is sooo cute! I'm glad things are going so well for you.

Todd and Melissa Titensor said...

Hey Laurie!

Your little girl is such an angel. She is just beautiful. I love the pitures of her and Eli together. What a good brother.


P.S. Sorry I am so slow getting back to you. My address is Po Box 6111 North Logan, Ut. 84341